Science Slam Main Event
The Science Slam Event is the main feature we’ve all been working toward. With 8-15 talks practiced over the previous couple of weeks and honed to mere minutes in length, we fill the event space to learn about the beauty of science and the adventures that come with learning about our universe!
Event Schedule
- (20 mins) Open Doors: welcome to the Munich Science Slam! Help yourself to some pizza and drinks, claim a chair in your favorite section, and say hello to everyone as the room fills up! At the registration desk, you’ll have the opportunity to sign up for the audience’s fun improv raffle, where you can participate on stage yourself, whether by giving a talk on your own research, giving a feedback speech for the speaker, or creating a piece of beautiful artwork!
- (15 mins) Welcome Talk: we begin! If it’s your first time joining us, don’t worry about getting lost - our MC for the evening will explain it all. By the time the first presenter walks onstage, you’ll be familiar with the details and mission the Munich Science Slam and be connected online to our audience feedback system!
- (45 mins) First round of Presentations: this is the meat of the event. 5-8 speakers will present something they are passionate about scientifically! At the end of each talk, audience members will provide live feedback from their smartphones, including everything from questions for the speaker to ratings on various characteristics of the presentation (i.e. persuasiveness, conciseness, inspirational-ness, entertainment, informativitiy, etc). A random audience member will come up afterward and give their improv talk!
- (25 mins) Break Time! Meet, mingle, and network!
- (45 mins) Second round of Presentations: second verse, same as the first!
- (20 mins) Feedback Analysis and Award Cermenony: what did we think about the talks? What can we learn from that feedback? We’ll present our research findings, acquired and analysed on-stage throughout the event, and along the way see who we thought was the best that evening!
- (Until the last call) The Afterparty: now it is time for an afterparty to continue talking science! Come out with us and have a few drinks!